Pottawatomie County RETREET 

This page is for residents of Pottawatomie County who were affected by the tornados that struck on April 19th, 2023.
If your property sustained damage and you need help replanting trees at your home, please submit a request using the form below.
What to know about the RETREET program:
  • The native trees we plant in your front yard will be 6 to 9 feet tall, depending on the species.
  • In the weeks leading up to planting, you will be contacted to schedule a visit with one of our program representatives to determine the best planting locations on your property.
  • OKIE811 will mark the utilities at your home and a team of trained RETREET volunteers will plant the trees for you.
  • We only ask that you water the tree(s) we plant for long-term success.
Please use the infographic at the bottom of this page to make sure you have enough room on your property for at least one large tree before submitting a request. 

CONTACT US with any questions about the campaign.

Acknowledgment of Consent

The Pottawatomie County RETREET is made possible by the following partners
Shawnee cityUWPC  POgo              Shawnee feed.    POTT CO.          Pogo 
obu.       Pottco 

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